Tuesday 23 April 2013

Syndrome mengandung

Syndrome mengandung

Adei, sekarang ni time mengandung, ade je syndrome pelupa. MAkin menjadi2 lak pelupa aku. Pagi tdi aku lupe bwk hp n dompet termasuk ic n duit. Trpakse la amik balik kt umah. Nasib bek umah xjauh dri UKM ni. Hihi... Ade akak ni ckp mmg klo mengandung ni, ibu2 akan ade hormon pelupa. Betul ke? Nth la, yang penting aku mmg pelupa.. Hahaa...
Pelupa oh Pelupa...

Monday 22 April 2013

How to install Psychtoolbox (PTB)

How to install Psychtoolbox (PTB) for Windows 7? Brief...

1. Download and install the Subversion from http://www.collab.net/downloads/subversion
    Please choose the suitable version. U need to register to eligible downloading the installer.
2. Download and installl the PTB from http://psychtoolbox.org/PsychtoolboxDownload and follow the  
    instruction to install the PTB.
3. If needed, install the GStreamer SDK from
    http://docs.gstreamer.com/display/GstSDK/Installing+on+Windows to activate the Psychtoolbox Screen()
    mex file. If not the statement: Invalid MEX-file 
     will appear when run "Screen"command. 
   There are 3 set then. Download and run all.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Pureen Stock Clearance Promotion - April 2013

Pureen Stock Clearance Promotion - April 2013

Sperti yang telah di war2 kan, 20 - 21 April ni ade jualan stock clearance promotion kt Pureeen, PJ. Woha.... Ade gak google2 n katenye memang murah. Baju sepasang dalm RM6 je n ade gk y newborn RM1 sehelai. Adei, tergugat iman nk p. Tgok cmne nnt my husben nk p k x. Hihi xtau ank boi ke gal. Tp ade mmbe y baik ati nk sedekahkan baju ank die y newborn tuk my bby. Urm, xsure lg cmne. Tp nk gk try tgok kt jualan tu, ape y dijual di sane. Hihi..

P/S: Mmg merancang nk window shopping je, tp siapkan juga peluru (duit) utk menembak (membeli).... Hahaha... =P